Day Four: At Sea in the North Pacific

The sun finally returned to the North Pacific Ocean in a shy manner but a welcome one. Calm has also somewhat returned with only large rollers coming down from somewhere in the north. We warmed up to a balmy 68 degrees and people celebrated by putting on their shorts and going for a for a stroll on the walking deck #9. Nine laps around the deck is a mile and we walked several during the day. The pool and hot tubs finally opened today and we all got in the nice warm hot tub (98 degrees). The ship had a very nice buffet on the pool deck for lunch featuring salads, along with hazelnut penne pasta, calimari, and a strange red colored Indian Tanduri chicken. We all attended and ipad lesson after lunch and learned a few neat little tricks to improve and make easier. More classes to come and we may be experts. Dinner was on deck 7 aft in the Italian restaurant La Terreza and was fantastic. Duck Ragout, Tuna, Potato soup, Carpaccio, etc. All very tasty and paired with some champagne, Italian white and red wines. The Expresso Martini's before dinner on aft deck 8 are excellent. Tomorrow may be our best, calmest, and warmest day yet!
A word of note from the technical desk: Internet here is good for a ship but very slow compared to home. Have not yet figured out several things about this Wix Blog website. Spellcheck is one so errors are all mine. Cannot reduce photo file sizes yet so very hard to download a photo to the site much less a video! There was a nine am meet with the ship IT guy in the library and I was there bursting with questions but he didn't show up so it was a bust. Sitting on the quiet fantail now trying to figure things our for myself but not much luck so far. One option is to toss this computer overboard but will resist today. The white wine is good though.